Just the FAQs

Section added: 1998
Last updated: June 2005

In the past nine or ten years, I have received a lot of email about HST. I put together these FAQs so people could get their Frequently Asked Questions answered quickly. I don't always have time to answer email, and let's face it, there's only so many times you can answer the same question over and over.

Unlike some things on the Internet, I cannot give people an instant answer. Sometimes email gets lost, accidentally deleted (like it did in 2002 and 2003, whoops) or I just plain forget.

Most of what is on this site was found out the old fashioned way - I went to the library and got the information. I kind of expect people to do the same. I can't do the legwork for students and I don't reply to student email much anymore. I don't feel it is my place to do homework for other people and there are many more authoritative opinions out there than my own out there. Teachers don't always accept the Internet as a source for works cited.

This site is searchable, and I encourage you to use the search engine.

I can highly recommend Google Answers btw. For a fee as low as $2, they may answer your questions. They'll certainly answer in a more timely manner than I can :-) It's not that I don't like getting email, I can no longer reply personally to each one.

If you are new to the Internet, please check out the Internet Newbie Survival Guide as well.