
Last updated March-05

The Great Thompson Hunt would be nothing without the support and contributions of fellow fiends all over the world. Some have become great friends; others have disappeared in the void of the net, and others never got a reply (sorry, I try hard). But I love them all and would like to thank:

Len and Brett, two righteous fellows, for their help and foresight and getting TGTH out of Geocrappy a long time ago.

JJ, Luna, Stanley, Kathy, Marsha, Gin, QP, Dokterd, Barfly, McConnell, QP and Todd

JB, my awesome gonzo brother (too bad my real brother isn't like him!)

The people of Fat City News (offline) for their lovable crudeness

Norman, The Boycomic, Andrew B., Greg, Wafflekins and Pat D., Papa Jon, Marco, Beelers

Compatriots Doug, Ian, Michael and Brad

Overseas...PM Freelance, Tuomas, Scott, Frans, Conroy, C. King, and Harald

Locally...John, Don, Ron and Aaron the antique book guy

Liz and Fanto...of course :-)

And the Weird Sisters - Atra, Cande, Bandit551, Staci, Mosley, Nadine and Leigh Ann

Aaron Sherman, Joe Boyle, Dave Selden, J. Erin McCabe and Mitchell Hillman Jr, Mr. X for their contributions

To my husband, of which one of his friends said "Only a Hunter Thompson fan could love you", for his advice and support.

And finally, of course, HST himself, without whom I would probably be the same person I was many years ago.

As is the nature of the Internet, people appear or disappear...or hide behind many masks. I often think about those who have seemingly disappeared...and hope that, wherever they may be, wherever they are, life is treating them well.