Old Roach Cover Art

la raza

This awesome and highly reproducible poster appears before the first chapter in the Vintage edition. Of course, it looks like a stone Aztec sculpture. Aztec art is fascinating. I suggest going to the library and getting out one of the newer children's books on this ancient people.* Their drawings and sculpture, not to mention temples, were as intricate and cryptic as their ceremonies and everyday lives.

lit roach

This little fellow graces quite a few pages in the Vintage (and presumably the old one) edition. He's at the top of the page, the bottom, the middle, here and there, alone and with some friends. Of course, it's just the same drawing tilted and reversed, as in the artwork for Better Than Sex.

*Over the years, the odd few people were miffed that I suggested looking at children's books. I suggested them because 1) they have lots of illustrations, mostly in colour and 2) if there is something you don't know a lot about, starting with a kid's book is not a bad idea